Plagron Batmix 50L


Kaina su nuolaida€16,89

Nėra sandėlyje


Plagron BatMix - growing medium, organic flower soil for indoor and outdoor cultivation.

Plagron BatMix is ​​a mixture of the best, most carefully selected types of peat. It consists of different types of fiber and perlite, which gives the surface lightness and proper aeration. The rich amount of unique ingredients ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. Plagron Bat Guano bat excrement is added to Plagron BatMix soils.

Advantages of Plagron BatMix:
- Bat Guano lasts for at least six weeks.
- Additional phosphorus and potassium from bat excrement.
- Improves taste and smell.
- When used together with the organic fertilizers of the Plagron line, there is no need to adjust the pH.

- white peat,
- black peat,
- peat fiber,
- perlite,
- worms,
- Guano.

Plagron tips:
- Plagron BatMix is ​​most effective in combination with Plagron Alga Bloom and supplements from Plagron.
– Do not fertilize the plants for the first 6 weeks.

AllMix vs BatMix vs RoyalMix
- AllMix - has a better structure than BatMix or RoyalMix, so it holds water better. It is a suitable choice for growing organically in slightly warmer temperatures or in small pots or in high light conditions. In addition, this substrate is ideal if you intend to reuse the soil (it must be enriched with SuperMix before reuse).
- BatMix is ​​a soil enriched with Bat Guano, which gives plants a strong taste and smell. You should choose BatMix when quality is important to you.
- RoyalMix - contains natural solid fertilizers that release nutrients when the plant needs them. As a result, better development and faster growth can be expected. Choose RoyalMix soil for organic cultivation and when you want to achieve the highest possible yield and fruit taste.

pH: 6.5-7.5
EC: 2.0-2.5mS/cm
NPK organic: 3-15-4

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